cleaning up

I'm in the midst of cleaning my studio up and came upon a 1988 photo of myself taken while I was at Western Washington University. It cracked me up, all that hair, especially now that I'm nearly bald. I recall how I had this look, thought it part of the act of being a painter, or an artist. I even recall how full of myself I was, it was common to hear folks refer to me as an asshole.


Tracy Helgeson said…
I just came across your blog recently and the photo of you at your easel really takes me back. It reminded me of the boys I used to know in art school around that same time, although, despite all of that hair, you look much more clean cut than they did.

I like your work.
Steven LaRose said…
I have been wanting to post images of my first studio out of college. It was actually Whiting's studio and he needed to reduce his rent. It was next door to the Comet. Later, it was called the Blue room to musicians. That whole scene profoundly influenced me. Now. . . I have a donut hair-do and a beard to hide my gobbler. I still stay up after midnight though. Puttering.
Steven LaRose said…
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Anonymous said…
i think i had the same hairdo!

that is hysterical...
it was the romantic times at being an "artist" in that being arrogant, bold, and "seen/scene" was all in rage.