stirring the pot

[sketch for hotel lobby painting]

Here is the beginning of some sketches for the commission that I've been asked to do. The client wants some sketches to look and then choose from. So here are the first two, and I'm working on four more. They saw this work below...

[Certain Shots - Oil on Canvas - 30" x 40" - 2004]

...from my show in Minneapolis a few years ago, and wanted to know if I could throw in some baseball and football elements. This is one of those moments that one swallows thier pride and says, alright, if Andy Warhol can do it, well so can I. Choosing to remain liquid is a very difficult choice I'm finding as I get older. I actually like to be dared, so, I look at this circumstance in that manner, and proceed at both what I do, and perhaps what the client will enjoy. I'll keep you all up to date on things as they progress.


Karen Jacobs said…
Life (and art) is just one decision after another. It's actually kind of good to have a few of them removed so that we can better explore the depths of just a few choices. At least that's one way to look at such commissions. BTW, I enjoyed your previous back and forth discussion about art on display in your building...
so don't throw all the ingredients in, I hear you. Edit, I'll give that a try on the next few drawings. Thanks KJ!