Making Your Own Bed

R Allen Jensen

R Allen Jensen Studio with Landscapes/Land Mines and Prosthetics

R Allen Jensen working through a sketchbook, generating ideas, never standing still for too long...

I sought a soul that might resemble mine and I could not find it. I rummaged in all corners of the earth: my perspective was useless. Yet I could not remain alone. There must be someone who approved of my character; there must be someone who had the same idea as myself.
- Les Chants de Maldoror by Lautreamont

It is recovered!
What? Eternity.
It is the sea
Mixed with the sun.

My soul eternal,
Redeem your promise,
In Spite of the night alone
And the day on fire.

Of human suffrage,
Of common aspirings
You free yourself then!
You fly according to...

Hope never more,
No orietur.
Science and patience,
Retribution is sure.

No more tomorrows,
Embers of satin,
Your ardor is now
Your duty only.

It is recovered!
What? Eternity.
It is the sea
Mixed with the sun.

A Season In Hell Arthur Rimbaud

Spent Thursday with artist R Allen Jensen walking through and around his newest work. R Allen was a professor of mine when I was a student at Western Washington University, and was the main reason I went to the art school there. Here is a short video clip of him and I talking around the soon to be center piece to his newest body of work.
