Pouring Gems

It's been awhile since I last posted, and in the in-between I've remained very busy. I've received and been prepping four new commissions that just came across my plate, and visiting with my former Professor and artist R. Allen Jensen, assisting him in his Seed Project[photos and video]. Planting, pouring, prepping, it must be spring! Thought I'd share one of the pours, [in the above photo] as it seems that, priming, and stretching canvas are my routines at the moment. More to come, and still rocking the studio, so nuff' said...

Bon Iver - re: Stacks.mp3
[courtesy of FoeWeel.com]


Anonymous said…
This is awesome! I love the colors.
Steven LaRose said…
That is EXACTLY what happened to my superball when it became stricken with the mutant strain of The-Evil-Butterfly-Virus.

Is that on wood or canvas? It almost has to be wood or you would get some wonky sizing issues. . . unless you are a hardcore primer.
Anonymous said…
So cool!
I'm a pretty hardcore sizing primer, like Chuck Close, at least 10 layers of the stuff...
Ms. Brazil said…
I like it.
dig the stray away from beachballish stuff. In case your confused I was in shawn's class. check out my stuff if you want.