PULL: A Group Exhibition at G. Gibson Gallery - Seattle

takt VII and takt VIII 

takt IX and takt X 

double rocker 

showing this month at G. Gibson Gallery in Seattle are five works inspired and some completed while I did my residency in Berlin Germany this last winter.  Gail Gibson and I have talked for years about putting my work in a show, and it was a wonderful group of artists she pulled together for the exhibition.  It was wonderful to be back in a show in Seattle's Pioneer Square.


Unknown said…
I was visiting Seattle last week and dropped into the gallery the day this show was closing. Gail was kind enough to pull out a couple works and let me take a look. She said you'd be dropping by to pick them up later. I was tempted to be a total creep and linger so I could meet you. I loved seeing your layering in person, the blog photos(Although very nice!) don't do the paintings justice.

Take care, I hope to run into you or your work again!
thank you Aaron, wish I had run into you, thank you for the very kind words!